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TwentyThree™ API

Cross-domain access in Adobe Flash and Adobe Flex

You can access data from TwentyThree site via Flash, but the access is limited by our cross-domain policies. This means that .swffiles hosted on a different domain from the target site will need to be aware of the restrictions.

The master policy file in the root folder (/crossdomain.xml) does not grant explicit access to anything. However, specific policy files are located in the folders /js, /api and /<tree_id> to obtain access to data in a structured fashion. In some case, Flash will locate these files for you -- but usually you will need to load the policy files explicitly in your Flash or Flex code:

// Obtain access to load JSON files in the /js/ folder

// Obtain access to all API methods

// Only obtain access to user-specific API-methods

// Obtain access to any photos or videos hosted in the tree with id=7340

// Obtain access to photo with id=59167 in tree_id=7340

If you have administrator's access to the TwentyThree site, you can overcome these cross-domain issues by hosting the .swf on the TwentyThree site. This is done by uploading the file under DesignFiles.